Abundant reward of biblical investment strategy
In my daily bible reading I came across a passage and I thought to myself: “Wow how encouraging. I should write something to our supporters and encourage them as well”. But life went on. A few days later a friend sent me the exact same scripture in a modern German translation. It grabbed me even […]
We want to move to the township
When I tell people that we want to move to the township, they often look at me as if there was something wrong with me. Well maybe there is. Since living in the suburb has tremendous advantages. Shops, health care facilities, recreation and entertainment are all at your doorstep. The weekends are quiet. There is […]
Blessed to be a blessing
God works in mysterious ways. Since the beginning of lockdown HOPE Recovered was planning to deliver food parcels to its beneficiaries. It was difficult to get hold of the relevant person to get a permit during lockdown. Then good friends raised money to provide food for the needy and offered HOPE Recovered several parcels. So […]
Life in the township
This short video shows how people live in the township of Mamelodi, South Africa. Although the video is 10 years old, nothing has changed. Challenges These statistics about children and youth are a few years old but the situation didn’t get better, on the contrary[1] [2]: 63% of South Africa’s youth is unemployed (at beginning […]