Blessed to be a blessing
God works in mysterious ways. Since the beginning of lockdown HOPE Recovered was planning to deliver food parcels to its beneficiaries. It was difficult to get hold of the relevant person to get a permit during lockdown. Then good friends raised money to provide food for the needy and offered HOPE Recovered several parcels. So we have been blessed last week with food parcels. We selected the families of the children who attended our Kids Club the most. As we didn’t have addresses or contact details of all the children and their families, it was an adventure to find their homes. Every now and then we saw a familiar face and delivered a food parcel, prayed with the family and let the parents fill in a survey to get more background information about the family. We were very grateful to one of the parents who helped us find the homes of the children.
For two days we delivered food parcels from house to house. After evaluating the different surveys, the following stood out:
- If a man is part of the household, he often has a different surname than the children. This could have different reasons: either the man is just a boyfriend, or they don’t have money to get married (bride price).
- All families of up to 11 members have to survive on a very low budget of less than R5000 (280 USD). For many the social grant is the only regular income.
- None of the households has access to electricity and all have to fetch water at a public water tank.
- Several households consist of up to 3 generations.
It was very eye opening to see where the children stay and get to know their families and circumstances. One of the families proudly presented their newest member – the only a few days old Tshiamo. Thanks to other supporters, we could help little Tshiamo with clothes and release the strain on the family. We are still looking for nappies. If you would like to help Tshiamo with nappies or another way, please contact us.

The government didn’t reach the people in Pienaarspoort yet. They didn’t receive any food parcels yet and where very grateful. We are very grateful for this opportunity to build relationships with the families. Please keep praying for a suitable location to continue with our Kids Club (as soon as lockdown restrictions allow it). Don’t forget to donate financially so that HOPE Recovered is able to buy an ideal property in the area for a children and youth center.

Die Geburts eines Babys ist immer ein faszinierendes Erlebnis.
Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob es das erste Kind der Frau ist, oder nicht.
Wichtig sind Fürsorge des Umfelds, um dem Baby eine optimale Entwicklung zu gestatten.